4 October-
After Incheon 70.3, I
had a short 2 weeks to recover and prep for Gurye 70.3 on 4 October. I headed down to my good buddy Aaron's house
in Pyeongtaek (Camp Humphreys Area) for the 2 weeks in between. It was a great place to base myself out of as
there was a 25 m pool on the base that was only 3 miles from his house. I was also familiar with the local roads for
riding since I was stationed only 30 mins up the road at Osan Air Base for 4
years from 2007-2009 and 2010-2012. This
worked out really well and I was able to get into a good routine between the
I came off of just
missing the podium at Incheon HUNGRY! I
wanted to show up to Gurye with 2 more weeks of training behind me and ready to
race again. This was still pretty early
into this "new season", coming off of the 4 week "off
season" after IMUK. I was really
hoping that the 2 weeks between the races would give me another boost in
fitness and I would show up to Gurye even stronger.
The original start
list that was released had 22 guys on it, but only 12 showed up to the start
line on race day. I had done a bit of
research on the unfamiliar names and I knew there was going to be a small group
of swimmers that would more than likely be together out of the water. With the course being rolling and having some
steady false flats along the way, I was really hoping things wouldn't be to
"packy" on the bike. I was
able to ride my way into the race at Incheon and that was the same plan at
I had a decent start
but after about 600m a gap opened up and I was swimming solo and on my
own. It pretty much remained that way
until the end of the swim. I was having
a bit of a hard time swimming a straight line and probably lost some time due
to my poor swimming line.

Run- 1:20:34
I came into T2 with
Aaron telling me that 2nd-8th were all 2:30 up the road. I just told myself I needed to pass 2 guys,
that was it, 2 guys to make a paycheck.
I put my head down and just focused on running consistently and getting
in hydration and nutrition. I felt
really good and just held consistent 3:00-3:05 half mile splits (that is what I
have my Garmin set to auto lap at), and was slowly making up ground. The course was a 2 loop, direct out and back
course. It made it easy to get splits
and the roads were pretty long and straight so being able to stay focused on
who was ahead and slowly make up ground was a bit easier.
I made a pass into
7th around 10 km and then just focused on getting into 6th. With 5 km to go he was still around 1 minute up
the road. I still hadn't given up, but I
knew it was going to be tough. I just
kept pushing on and when we got to around 2 km to go it was down to 20
seconds. With 800 meters to go, I made the pass,
just before one of the only short inclines on the course. I passed him just before that, and made sure
to pass with a strong effort, then when I hit the hill I ran hard up it hoping
to open up the gap just a little bit more.
Worst case scenario I was going to have to run as hard as I could for
~3mins to make $750, so I figured why not go for it early and see what
happened. Well the pass stuck
and I ended up coming into the stadium in 6th place, one minute down from 5th.
Swim- 28:56 / Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/405822977
Bike- 2:13:51 / Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/405822987 TrainingPeaks: http://tpks.ws/eJhxN
Run- 1:20:34 / Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/405822984 Trainingpeaks: http://tpks.ws/GATe
4:05:31 / 6th Pro
Results: http://ap.ironman.com/triathlon/events/asiapac/ironman-70.3/gurye-korea/results.aspx#axzz3ofqDjkla
Overall I am really happy with how things played out. I came back from what I thought wasn't possible and I found a bit of confidence in my run and did something I don't usually do, ran my way into the race. I look forward to continuing to work at the little things and hopefully they will continue to add up to something big over time. One thing is for sure, it isn't going to happen overnight, it is about consistent work day in and day out, so onwards and upwards from here!
Thanks to my wife, family, friends and sponsors for the continued
support. If you would like to support the companies that support my
triathlon career, check out this page for some great discounts: http://www.bw-tri.com
Proud of this guy, Mr. Yu, for winning his Age Group and Qualifying for 70.3 Worlds. He has helped me a LOT throughout the years while I was stationed in Korea. Anything from giving me rides to and from races to making sure I knew what I was eating at races when all there was, was Korean food.
why half mile splits? that is one of the weirder splits I have ever seen for a watch.
I can't even pronounce some of those place names.
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