Well 2010 has started off quite slow. I brought in the New Year the right way with a century on our 8 mile loop here on base. Had two friends that stuck around for 50 miles and then met up randomly with another friend for the last 8 miles, and ended up doing 104 total. A century is pretty fun when you have a big group of people and awesome scenery to ride through, however the same 8 mile loop with no climbing or hills is not fun at all. But it was a good way to start off the year. I then kicked of training for Wildflower Long Course the following Tuesday. I found a pool to swim at which is 10 miles from base by bike with the last mile up hill. I have turned my first road bike into a commuter and put fenders and a rear rack on it. Works out much better now for the wet and rainy days and I don't get near as wet or have mud flung all over my back.
I also treated myself to a promotion/re-enlistment/X-mas gift and purchased a 2009 Cervelo R3 road bike. I mainly got it for when I get to Korea I will have a road bike to ride with groups and possibly do a few road races on. Ahhhhh that's right I don't think I had mentioned I will be headed back to Osan Korea in August for another tour. Looking forward to the return and already have 3 Olympic distance races on the schedule for later in the year.
Now to the not so good part and why 2010 is off to a slow start. The third weekend of January they had a New Years resolution 10k here on base so I went out and ran that. Well one guy took off and I knew there was no way I was keeping up with him so I ended up running with two buddies for the first 5 miles. Well that is when we started to have some fun at mile 5 we started to pick up the pace and split sub 6 for the last mile. We ended up only running 40:40 and were just having fun. Well my knee/IT band did not like me running that hard that early in the year and since then I have been having a lot of pain on the outside of my left knee. I have a doctors appointment for tomorrow so hopefully I can find out what is really going on. I have taken a week off from running and it didn't get better. Then took a week of from everything and it didn't get better. I have iced it, been taking IBU, and stretch it when I get up in the morning. Hopefully the doc will have a plan that will have me back and running in two to three weeks or else Wildflower is really going to be painful.
On a good note work has been treating me good. On the 1st of Jan I put on Staff Sergeant. Two weeks ago I found out that I was selected as the 2009 Maintenance Squadron and Maintenance Group Airman of the Year. The Annual Awards Banquet is in two weeks and I will be up against 5 other Airman for Airman of the Year for the Base/Wing. A couple weeks ago we had a C-130 gunship stop in and they ended up breaking and were stuck here for a few weeks and since we helped them out quite a bit they left us some thank yous. Below is pics of a 105mm shell that is shot from there cannon as well as a 20mm shell that is shot out of the A-10. This weekend our base Volleyball team is headed over to the local University to play them in preparation for our US Forces Tournament up in Germany in May. I play on the team and looks like I will be starting middle blocker. Our team has some talent and hopefully we will have a good time playing the Turks.
Hope everyone is having a great 2010!
Below are some pics!

2008 Cervelo P3C and 2009 Cervelo R3......Waiting to get the R3 in a good fast group ride and on some hills to see how it rides.....
The university pool I swim in....Is it normal for the lane lines to be where the rope is?? All the other pools the lane line is down the middle of the lane...........Hmmm IDK I am not a swimmer.....
Congrats on your maintaince airmen award, promtion, and re enlistment..how long did you reenlist for??.... and I enjoyed all the pictures over the last few months..i havent been on in a long time as you may notice ok well hope your doing good ttyl
Good postt
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